Evaluation Methodology
Eligibility Condition
Journals with p-ISSN/e- ISSN are eligible to apply.
The INTERNATIONAL SERVICES FOR IMPACT FACTOR AND INDEXING (ISIFI) is calculated per year on the basis of a 100 points contribution scale and on number of articles published during a year. Articles are selected from each issue and their quality is judged.
Evaluation Methodology
- The below quality factors are evaluated:
- Originality Contribution (OC): 50%
- Scientific Quality Contribution (SQC):20%
- Review Process Contribution (RPC):20%
- Regularity and stability Contribution(RSC):5%
- Technical Editing Quality Contribution(TEQC):5%
Total Quality Contributing Factor (TQCF) OC+SQC+RPC+RSC+TEQC
Originality in Research
This aspect carries the highest score of 50 points. An original research article is the one based on original research, and here it is needed to define what original research is all about which means that if the knowledge is used properly, it leads to innovation of new ideas or further enhancements, while on the other side when such knowledge is used repetitively in a reformulated fashion it would result in plagiarism of research articles pulling out the quality of research. In a few words, the research produces new knowledge instead of summarizing what is already known in a new form. There are many ways to produce new knowledge: observations, experiments, new approaches to solving existing problems, etc.
Scientific Quality
This aspect carries 20 points score. Scientific journals are meant for further progress of science, usually by reporting new research. Scientific journals contain articles that have been peer reviewed, in an attempt to ensure that articles meet the journal’s standards of quality, and scientific validity. Although scientific journals are superficially similar to professional magazines, they are actually quite different. The publication of the results of research is an essential part of the scientific method. If they are describing experiments or calculations, they must supply enough details that an independent researcher could repeat the experiment or calculation to verify the results.
Peer Review
This aspect carries 20 points score and it includes the process involved in reviewing the articles.
Regularity and Stability
This aspect carries 5 point score and is based on the regular occurrence of the issues.
Technical Editing Quality
It carries 5 points score and the following points are included:
- Ensuring correct page numbers and spelling in the document
- Checking text and page numbers in table of contents
- Ensuring tables, figures, references, etc., cited in text appear in the document
- Verifying lists, paragraphs, figures, etc., numbered or lettered consecutively
- Guaranteeing no duplicate table and figure titles Checking hyperlinks to references
- Ensuring consistency between multiple volumes
- Verifying subject and verb agreement
- Reviewing sentences for fragments and run ons
- Checking graphics for consistency with line weight, call out font, arrowheads, etc.
- Formatting tables consistently as per the template.
- Checking style, size, and typeface for headings, titles, bullets, etc.
- Inserting appropriate page breaks
- Placing tables and figures appropriately in document
- Ensuring consistent justification for text, callouts, cautions, warnings, etc.
- Choosing correct size and layout of pages
- Ensuring consistent use of capitalization and spelling
- Applying numbering mechanics
- Checking format for bibliographic references
- Using punctuation consistently
- Substantive arranging document logically and creating single voice language
Articles Published Score (APS)
Articles published | Score |
0-99 | 0.01 |
100-199 | 0.05 |
200-299 | 0.09 |
300-399 | 0.13 |
400-499 | 0.17 |
500-599 | 0.21 |
600-699 | 0.25 |
700-799 | 0.29 |
800-899 | 0.33 |
900-999 | 0.37 |
1000-1099 | 0.41 |
1099-1199 | 0.45 |
1200-1299 | 0.49 |
1300-1399 | 0.53 |
1400-1499 | 0.57 |
1500-1599 | 0.61 |
1600-1699 | 0.65 |
1700-1799 | 0.69 |
1800-1899 | 0.73 |
1900-1999 | 0.77 |
2000-2099 | 0.81 |
2100-2199 | 0.85 |
2200-2299 | 0.89 |
2300-2399 | 0.93 |
2400-2499 | 0.97 |
2500-Above | 1.00 |